The name shall be Evenley Cricket Club (hereinafter called “The Club”)

B: OFFICERS AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                               

The Club shall be governed by a management committee (hereinafter called the “Main Committee”) consisting of the Officers of the Club duly elected (proposed and seconded) at the Annual General Meeting.  It may submit proposals to any meeting of the club, which will be decided, based on a majority vote. The main committee will meet at least once every four/six weeks at appropriate venues and times to be agreed. The main committee is elected to implement and interpret the rules of the club. The overturn of club rules can only take place with the majority vote of the main committee and attending members at the Annual General Meeting or an extraordinary meeting. Decisions made by the main committee in the management of the club rules shall be final and binding on all members of the club in whatever capacity they are involved. The main committee may co-opt members to fill vacancies on the main committee which arise during the year, or make amendments to rules, subject to ratification at the AGM.

The officers of the club shall be the President, Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Social Events Officer, Players Officer, Public Relations Officer, Fund-Raising Officer and Grounds man Officer. The whole committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in February each year.

All officers shall hold their position of office until the next Annual General Meeting, when they shall retire but make themselves available for re-election if they so wish. Voting will be by proposal, with a show of hands, requiring a majority decision to carry. In the event of a multiple nomination for any post, voting will not take place in the presence of the nominees. The main committee will comprise a minimum of five persons and a maximum of nine. Four will form a quorum.  Each sub-committee will comprise a minimum of three persons and a maximum of six. Any committee member who fails to attend three meetings in a row without appropriate apologies will be liable to automatic expulsion from the committee.


Membership of the club shall be open to bona-fide playing and non-playing members approved by the main committee. Playing members shall sign a contract, acknowledging the constitution and rules of the club, prior to the commencement of each season and payment of the appropriate fee, determined by the main committee at the AGM.  Non-playing members will be known as Vice Presidents, Ball Sponsors and/or Advertisers and shall pay an appropriate fee. At the discretion of the main committee, life membership and/or membership shall be granted to sponsors, if not already ball sponsors or vice presidents. Any member shall be entitled to attend and speak at the AGM or any extraordinary meeting which they have been expressly invited to and may take part in all voting decisions. Acting in the best interest of the club, the main committee reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the membership of any playing or non-playing member without reason or notice.


The AGM of the club shall take place on a Sunday morning in February at a venue date and time to be decided by the main committee.  Notice of every AGM will be circulated to members at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.  No member shall be entitled to more than one vote. In the event of a tied vote the chairman or his nominated deputy shall have the casting vote.


The club's annual subscription shall be fixed at the AGM and shall be paid by members to the Treasurer by March 31st then following. Payment shall not be accepted in lieu of goods or services to the club or its officers. The treasurer shall deposit subscriptions in an approved bank account and be responsible for keeping records of the club’s financial transactions. In the event of any member failing to pay his/her subscription by the due date, an additional levy of £10 shall be paid to the club. All payments made by the club shall bear the signature of any one of the authorised officers of the club

Senior Citizens (age 65 and above) shall be exempt from Annual Subscriptions. Match Fees for these and junior members (in full time education) will be charged at 50% of the normal rate.

Revenue for the club shall be collected and paid into the clubs’ bank as soon as reasonably possible. Members responsible for the collection of payments will not pass monies through their own private bank accounts prior to passing them to the club.  Match fees will be set at the AGM and are to be paid before the commencement of each match.


The club shall hold an annual event at which presentations will be made. The function to be held in September/October after the playing season; the venue and general format to be decided by the committee. The club shall provide trophies and medals to the appropriate winners of each category. The captains or their nominated deputy will be expected to make the presentations. Recipients of trophies shall hold possession until September 1st of the following year and return them in good order to the General Secretary.


The Chairman or General Secretary, on receipt of a written request may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at the discretion of the main committee, or on receipt of a request by not less than three members of the club. Notice and proceedings at an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the same as those at Annual General Meetings.


In the event that it becomes necessary to wind up the Club then any money or property remaining after payment of debts must be distributed to other local charities or not-for-profit sports clubs.


The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the club and such accounts shall close on the 31st of December in each year and be presented at the A.G.M each year.


All rules included in the “Rules of Evenley Cricket Club” shall apply.

